LOOK: Riva Quenery gives birth to baby girl

Former GirlTrends member Riva Quenery is now officially a mom!

The 23-year-old actress has welcomed her first child with non-showbiz partner Vern Ong as seen on her Instagram stories posted late Tuesday evening. 

Riva shared a boomerang clip showing her newborn baby and Vern holding out a bouquet of flowers and stuffed toy with the word “mom”. 

No description available.

In the subsequent story, photo showed Riva’s family having a little celebration over her giving birth to her baby daughter named Athena. 

No description available.

Riva and Vern first announced that they were expecting back in May. 

Just recently, Riva uploaded a vlog where she was learning the choreography of Blackpink Lisa’s Lalisa even with her huge baby bump.

She also shared the physical changes she noticed during her pregnancy journey. 

“Grabe napapansin ko na changes sa mukha ko. Super dry na ‘yung lips ko, lumalalim na ‘yung mata ko. ‘Yung pimple ko na sobrang tagal na nito hindi pa rin nawala ‘yung mark. Ito na ‘yung sinasabi nilang stage ng pregnancy na sobrang so-shonget ka talaga. Ang lala,” she said.

LOOK: Riva Quenery gives birth to baby girl
Source: Media Star Philippines

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