See NASA’s DART Probe Make Impact With Asteroid Dimorphos video – CNET


Speaker 1: Oh boy. We’re getting close. Speaker 2: 14,000 miles per hour. Lori, Speaker 1: 14,000 miles per hour. And remember, you know, uh, 45 minutes ago, 55 minutes ago, we couldn’t even resolve this, this object in space. And now we are, you can see us zeroing in right on target, Speaker 2: And we’re now dropping the clock. And we’ll go by loss of signal to confirm impact, Speaker 1: Right? Speaker 3: Yes, Speaker 1: Imagine. We’ll get that [00:00:30] loss of signal and then we’ll hear from Lena Adams again. Um, and letting us know Speaker 3: That we, I feel Speaker 2: Like we’ll know successful. Like that’ll be a crystal clear Speaker 3: <laugh> Speaker 2: Signal. Speaker 1: I think. So I think we’re starting to see more, uh, more resolution. In fact, look at that. Did Hemos has even gone out of the view. We’re now just seeing dimorphic. Speaker 3: This Speaker 2: Is remarkable stuff. Speaker 3: Oh my goodness. Look at that. Speaker 4: Looks like [00:01:00] control system settling down. Angular rates look really good. I think we’re gonna get the investigation team some good pictures. Speaker 3: Wow. No, no. Come on. We can do better than that. <laugh>. Speaker 1: Sorry. You see those individual boulders there? We can see shadows. Very surface. Still Speaker 3: Impact. It’s amazing, guys. Oh my goodness. Look at that. Speaker 1: Unbelievable. Yeah. Speaker 3: [00:01:30] Looks Speaker 1: To me like we’re headed straight in. Speaker 3: Oh my gosh. Speaker 1: Oh, wow. Speaker 3: Yeah. Oh my goodness. 8, 7, 6. Wow. 4, 3, 2, 1. Oh my gosh. Oh, wow. Speaker 2: Waiting [00:02:00] visual confirmation. Speaker 3: All right, Speaker 1: We got it. Speaker 3: And we have impact for humanity in the name of Speaker 2: Planetary defense. Speaker 3: Woo. Fantastic. Speaker 1: Oh, fantastic. Speaker 3: Oh, Speaker 2: What, what a moment. Very few [00:02:30] words can really capture this moment. This is beautiful to watch. Speaker 3: Amazing, Speaker 2: Amazing. Speaker 1: What a team, Speaker 3: What Speaker 1: Team and what an accomplishment Speaker 2: Team. A few weeks ago they had their last dress rehearsal. They were getting emotional at the dress rehearsal, and they’re like, This is, this is crazy. We’re getting emotional. This is not the real thing. I can only imagine what they are feeling right now. Speaker 3: <laugh>. [00:03:00] Yes. Well, you can see them there on screen. They’re all pretty excited. Wow. Speaker 2: Hearing impact. The curtains close on Graco feed that raw joy from the team. Years of hard work and the weight of expectation lifted off their shoulders. This is, this is an 80.

See NASA’s DART Probe Make Impact With Asteroid Dimorphos video – CNET
Source: Media Star Philippines

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