If you logged onto Facebook at some point in the past 16 years, you’re probably eligible for part of a $725 million settlement Meta has agreed to in order to settle privacy violation allegations.
In 2018, Facebook was accused of improperly sharing millions of members’ personal information with third parties, including UK political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica. The scandal resulted in numerous lawsuits and, after years of legal maneuvering, Meta agreed to the massive payout in December.
Now eligible users can start filing claims.
Read on: Meta Agrees to $5 Billion FTC Settlement Over Cambridge Analytica
Meta declined to comment on the case but, in a statement from December, the company said it agreed to settle because “it’s in the best interest of our community and shareholders.”
“Over the last three years, we revamped our approach to privacy and implemented a comprehensive privacy program,” it added. “We look forward to continuing to build services people love and trust with privacy at the forefront.”
Here’s what you need to know about the Facebook settlement, including who is eligible for payment and how to file a claim.
Who can get money in the Facebook data privacy settlement?
Anyone who lived in the US and used Facebook between May 24, 2007, and Dec. 22, 2022, is considered eligible for the class settlement.
How do I file a claim in the Facebook case?
You must submit a valid claim online or mail in a completed print form to:
Facebook Consumer Privacy User Profile Litigation
c/o Settlement Administrator
1650 Arch Street, Suite 2210
Philadelphia, PA 19103
All claims must be submitted or postmarked by Aug. 25, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. PT.
How much money can I get from the Facebook settlement?
The amount of money each individual will receive depends on how long they had a Facebook account and how many total valid claims are submitted.
Class members can choose to have their funds distributed by direct deposit, Venmo, Zelle, PayPal or prepaid Mastercard.
When will I receive my money?
A final approval hearing is scheduled for Sept. 7, 2023. Any distribution would happen after that, though there may be appeals that delay the process.
If you want to retain your right to pursue litigation against Meta separately, you must request to opt out of the settlement by July 26, 2023.
Facebook’s $725 Million Privacy Settlement: How to Claim Your Share of the Money – CNET
Source: Media Star Philippines